SEEK- Spiritual Theme of the Month ADVENTURE: Seek opportunity and life becomes an adventure. All the things that occur in my life, are my life. There is no separation. It is wasteful to believe things are happening ‘to me.’ The truth is, they are happening so I...
SYNCHRONIZE- Spiritual Theme of the Month INTEGRATE: To succeed, synchronize with spirit, and integrate the game of life. I am at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. I chose to be here! I cannot afford to forget that. I know who and what I am; I...
REJOICE- Spiritual Theme of the Month Unfetter the spirit of service and all will benefit and rejoice. I am at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. I chose to be here! I cannot afford to forget that. If I find myself out of this energy, I can...
INVOLVE- Spiritual Theme of the Month ENCOMPASS: Involve it and it will encompass you.I am energy. A fact I know and live by. Now what am I doing with it? Whatever I am involved in will encompass me. Whether I like it or not I am experiencing life on planet earth....
CURRENT- Spiritual Theme of the Month EFFORTLESS: With the current, effortless; against it, toil.My hands and feet are smarter than my head. Too often have I tried to ‘think’ my way through things — It happens quickly. I almost always end up right back where I...
REALIZATION- Spiritual Theme of the Month EPIPHANY: First the realization from the heart, then the epiphany of the mind.There is no one to blame, no one to judge and no one to fear. Whatever my experiences, whatever is to come, I chose my life and I chose to be here;...