Share with a groupHave you ever asked yourself what are the ‘golden keys’ to unfolding my limitless success?
Have you ever imagined a safe place where you can grow spiritually and advance your soul consciousness?
Picture yourself feeling inner peace while sharing in a group environment with like-minded souls, just like you.
Close your eyes and feel what that feels like. Does that feel abundantly self-empowering?
That is the enlightened awareness and true ‘heartbeat’ of the Wayshower College Group Work. It is the true essence of taking flight to your spiritual freedom within! The roots of self-knowledge flourish in group work as fruits of new awareness and self-confidence build self-empowerment. Spiritual leadership begins and evolves in group work.
Remember, you are a limitless soul creating your success that is already yours. With just a few boundaries in a group environment, you can begin to live ‘one breath at a time’.
The WC Group Work welcomes you to take the ‘leap of faith’ and begin your journey.
Wayshower Colleg Group work had a very powerful impact on my life. I learned the importance of speaking for only myself- from the “I” position, sharing my experience and expectations. Group work provided a solid framework for study in a safe, loving, yet challenging environment. The discipline of the meetings encouraged me to study, comprehend, and integrate powerful life, relationship, and self-knowledge lessons. I treasure the relationships I built during that time. I always knew that “I am spirit having a human experience.” Group work helped bring that knowing into my everyday life by establishing clear connections with my spirit guides and angels. I am forever grateful for the knowledge, wisdom, and self-confidence I gained during my 5+ years in WC Group work.
My deep profound meditations have guided me to a better understanding of myself and others. Without group work I would not have learned how to communicate with my guides. I have learned inner peace and acceptance of others without passing judgment. I continue to be a Wayshower for souls who are willing to take a step forward into spiritual abundance!