Welcome Wayshowers
Since before 1967, the community programs, services and products, from Wayshowers College have been helping people, just like you, find answers to life’s mysteries that always seemed elusive.
These programs have helped people around the world live affluent lives and improve the quality of their relationships. These programs can help you learn how to trust your hunches and communicate with your Inner Guidance.
A College of practical experience, the courses of study are tailored to your lifestyle and mode of learning, focusing on helping you organize your experiences into practical wisdom. Then you can utilize this wisdom to discover the truth that works for you.
“You came to Planet Earth to find yourself. Happiness, success and abundance are already yours. All you need to do is become master of yourself.”
Dr. Francisco Coll, Founder
- The Evolution Calendar
- Monthly Study Lesson
- Live Monthly Regrouping
- Full Wayshowers Philosophy
- Support documentation and inspirational audios each month.
LFN Global Energy Calendar
This Spiritual New Year Energy is “Slipstream”! September 2024 to August 2025.
LFN offers deeper insights with weekly techniques to regroup throughout the year.
School in the Sky
Day in and day out, every day of the year School In the Sky uses broadcast spiritual technology to send healing and backing where it is needed.
Get Started with the
ReAwaken Series for FREE
Six free video lessons that explore your spiritual foundations, innate abilities, balance of the spiritual and material, life’s 7-year cycles and living your greatest potential.
“Demystify your true nature and evolution from a universal perspective.”
INTEGRATE: To succeed, synchronize with spirit, and integrate the game of life.
I am at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. I chose to be here! I cannot afford to forget that.