701-A: The Dynamics of Astro Soul

701-A: The Dynamics of Astro Soul:1.      This course sets the footings for a strong foundation of involvement in the entire Astro Soul Program.2.      You will work closely with your team of master souls to find experiences in your memory bank that will give you understanding for the feelings you have today.3.      You will learn about the zones of […]

600 IL: Gateway to Your Spiritual Reality (PCC Orientation)

This Gateway to Your Spiritual Reality Orientation to the Peace Community Church program tunes you into the peaceful, loving and flowing vibration of Peace Community Church. You will explore in depth each of your "four churches" and see how they relate to the feelings in your first four cycles. It stimulates an understanding within you […]

600 IL: Gateway to Your Spiritual Reality (PCC Orientation)

This Gateway to Your Spiritual Reality Orientation to the Peace Community Church program tunes you into the peaceful, loving and flowing vibration of Peace Community Church. You will explore in depth each of your "four churches" and see how they relate to the feelings in your first four cycles. It stimulates an understanding within you […]

600 IL: Gateway to Your Spiritual Reality (PCC Orientation)

This Gateway to Your Spiritual Reality Orientation to the Peace Community Church program tunes you into the peaceful, loving and flowing vibration of Peace Community Church. You will explore in depth each of your "four churches" and see how they relate to the feelings in your first four cycles. It stimulates an understanding within you […]

4407: Universal Laws of Abundance

THE LAWS OF ABUNDANCE are in your own hands.  You came into this world with everything you need to be abundant.  If you are not enjoying a successful life it is because you are getting in your own way.  The first 7 years can make or break you, but you can learn to unravel confusions […]

600-CLF: The Circle of Love Fellowship (Workshop)

600-CLF: The Circle of Love Fellowship (Workshop):1.      In this Second Step Program you will experience in depth a program that helps you get in touch with your true nature.2.      You will learn a simple way to cleanse yourself spiritually. This cleansing will help you realize that you can keep your energy positive at all times and that […]