Day in and day out, every day of the year School In the Sky uses broadcast spiritual technology to send healing and backing where it is needed. People around the world participate in this collective healing enterprise by sending one minute of positive energy each day to a central stockpile, which is managed by highly evolved master souls partnering with us here in this physical world to channel radiant waves of healing energy to individuals and groups who have requested this spiritual backing.
Each one of us has our own individual connection to the universe, to communicate and to receive direction and comfort from it. Various kinds of stress and confusion can interfere with our usually constant nourishment and inspiration from these higher sources. The concentrated energy of a School in the Sky healing acts like a light in the darkness which helps you get back to your feelings, re-establish a firm attunement with your inner guidance, and deal with the facts of the situation with clear head and heart.
Dr. Francisco Coll launched this Spiritual Pillar of the Americana Leadership College in 1977. Thousands have benefited from this healing service, and thousands more have had the fulfillment of focusing their energy in a purposeful way. Alan Scott Koenig, National Director of School in the Sky for over 40 years, appreciates how simple and powerful these healing connections are. Comfort, reassurance and strength is both provided to those requesting assistance and received by those grassroots healers who direct energy daily; this dedication makes it possible for the higher souls to work so intimately with us and our personal inner guidance.
As a member of the School In The Sky Healing Venture, you will be working closely with one or more of seven teams of master souls backing this project and will be authorized to request and receive healing energy directly for yourself and your loved ones as needed throughout the year at no additional charge.
In addition to participating in sending energy to the central stockpile on a regular daily basis, you can become involved in a membership program. As a member of the School In The Sky Healing Venture, you will be working closely with one or more of seven teams of master souls backing this project and will be authorized to request and receive healing energy directly for yourself and your loved ones as needed throughout the year at no additional charge..
Donations for Healing requests are $15 (for an individual) and $25 (for more than 1 person or a situation).
Donations and Requests for healing and backing energy, until internet-enabled, can be requested through Wayshowers College Office by email to or by fax to (202) 888-1752 or phone to (641) 454-6335. You can also mail to PO Box 428, Osceola, IA 50213. Your requests or other correspondence will be directed to the School in the Sky Administrator and Team.
Requests for Healing and Backing should include the What, When, Where and Why of each request and will be forwarded to Alan. You can also send physical mail directly to Alan, as administrator, addressed to him at PO Box 1170, Berkeley, CA 94701-1170.
School in the Sky Healing Venture Membership: $150/year.